Thank you for considering a guest contribution to Sporting Nomad. We’re delighted you’re interested in helping our Travel Blog expand its online presence!
Please read all the way to the bottom.
Publishing Schedule
- Your submitted draft will enter our editing queue and be reviewed according to the submission order.
- The more complete your initial draft, the faster we can confirm a publication date.
- Not adhering to these guidelines will postpone your publication by up to 1 month or more, or may result in rejection.
- If you need an accelerated publication timeline, certain editorial fees might be applicable. Please note this in your submission, and we can explore options.
- We typically have a 2-month backlog of submissions, so please expect 2-3 weeks for editorial feedback and scheduling.
1. Who are Sporting Nomad Readers?
The audience of our blog primarily consists of Travelers and Digital Nomads. We have readers worldwide, though most are based in North America, who:
- Are Interested in Camping, Staying outdoors
- Remotely working nomads
- Those planning leisure trips
- business travelers
Ensure that your content speaks to these groups.
2. Article Topics of Interest
While we welcome various interesting topics, we strive to deliver content our readers value most. Our primary areas of focus include:
- Camping
- Stays
- Travel Tips
- How To Guides
- Sustainable Travel
- Budget Friendly Guides
3. Article Requirements and Structure
Many articles cover similar subjects, so make yours distinctive by writing from your personal perspective. This approach significantly enhances the likelihood of your article appearing on our blog.
Pay particular attention to the following article specifications and format. Failing to adhere to these guidelines may result in article rejection, publication delays, or editorial charges of $10 per page.
- Article requirements
- Word count: Minimum 900
- H1 title, with appropriate H2s, H3s where needed
- The opening paragraph and a conclusion/summary
- Properly attribute sources when referencing facts or statistics
- Include no fewer than 4 relevant images (additional details below)
- Incorporate relevant backlinks from websites with DR40+ or, if lower, provide evidence of recent growth
- Utilize bullet points and expert quotations (must cite source)
- Article structure
- Each article must contain only one H1 as the title. The H1 must not exceed 70 characters.
- Provide a meta description that encapsulates your article in under 155 characters.
- When an H2 poses a question, the answer must appear as the first sentence in the subsequent paragraph.
- When an H2 includes numbering, the numbered list must follow immediately after the header.
- Example articles
- Image requirements
- Include image origin and backlink
- Image pixel width must be at least 1200px
- Must be in WebP format
- Include alt text when applicable
- Place your image source link beneath the image or in the paragraph adjacent to the image
4. Backlink Insertions
A strategic backlink approach can dramatically increase your article’s readership from a handful to thousands daily. Follow these backlink guidelines carefully.
Sporting Nomad adheres to all Google rel attributes for page and content metadata.
- Harmful links will trigger immediate rejection
- Backlink destination pages must relate to the article topic and anchor text
- Excessive keyword insertion is prohibited.
- You may include links to your organization, but they must integrate naturally with the narrative, not as advertisements
- Include no fewer than 4 external backlinks with DR40+. These will be permanent and ‘rel=dofollow’
- Links with DR below 40 may be included with evidence of recent organic traffic growth
- Links failing either condition may be removed or marked as ‘rel=nofollow’
- Sporting Nomad reserves the right to reject or label any backlinks deemed unsuitable or irrelevant to the article content
- As the author, you’ll be notified of any violations before publication
- Include a minimum of 3 internal backlinks to existing Sporting Nomad articles
5. Accuracy, Performance, Readability, and Plagiarism
Most of our readers are English-speaking, and consequently, we require articles to meet certain performance and readability standards from free evaluation tools like Grammarly.
You must submit screenshots of these assessments with your article.
6. Article Submission Procedure and Form
- Verify our website to ensure a similar article hasn’t already been published. You can search Google using this operator: site: “Keyword” to determine if your topic already exists.
- Complete and submit your article draft to
- Articles previously published elsewhere will not be accepted, nor can you post the identical article to your blog subsequently.
- We cannot respond to guest posting inquiries left in the comments. We wish you success and appreciate your interest in contributing!